
Q1: Launch

  • Create $WAIFU token

  • Airdrop 20% to $CHAT holders

  • Launch Cherry Alpha app

  • Launch early-access Realistic Interaction (RI) feature

  • Release full version of RI and expand to Discord.

Q2: Cherry Red

  • Launch full-feature web app

  • Begin staking and subscription for Cherry Red

  • Expand RI integration to iMessage and SMS

  • Launch the intricate and interactive creation process for Cherries, walking you through creating her actual appearance, personality, background, and description

Q3: Cherry Beta

  • Launch Gift Exchange

  • Launch Memories & Experiences

  • Access to advanced editing

Q4: Expand

  • Unveil new roadmap

  • Expanded marketing outside of Web3

  • Expansion into virtual assistant software

  • Integrate Cherry into IoT devices

  • Launch developer portal with API access

Last updated